
Spiritual Healing for animals

My name is Siela, (pronounced=Sea-ella) I am 56 years old, mother of two sons, and Graphic Designer with 5 years of college education which includes degrees in both Graphic and Web Design and a degree in Liberal Arts. I like to create with acrylic, oils, watercolor, photography, and design software. As an aware artist I am always seeking answers to questions, and I question the answers given to us, and I also try to think of more questions about many aspects of life. Having chronic Lyme’s for over 15 years myself, many questions about health and how to be healthy have come up in my life.

No one is getting healed in our current health care system. The USA ranks low and last among developed countries in death rate and general health/degenerative diseases studies. If you want to be healthy in America, you have to do it yourself. I have researched alternatives for many years, including homeopathy, aromatherapy, color therapy, flower essences and more. While all these work to varying degrees, the common theme among these alternative healing modalities is that they all have to do with energy. The direct healing method that I really wish to learn and use also heals on the energetic level. It is a very interesting method, to say the least. This method does work on all life forms, including animals/pets.

Animals are very much like our brothers and sisters. They feel as much pain as we do, all the emotions that we do, and I find that they also think for themselves. I believe the basic scientific theory that intelligence follows brain size is false. Thought processes may occur outside the brain, or interact with the brain and etheric mind. While animals and pets may have different reasons for doing things than we would have, they are still intelligent, thinking and feeling beings. Because animals need us to help them, I would like to become an animal healer.

With Angeltiers I would like to be able to help bring awareness to environmental issues, help animals both wild and domesticated, and aid other nonprofits as well. While I started this dream awhile back, I think it is now time to take the next steps forward with this nonprofit. In order to raise money for my own living expenses, I would like to heal animals with spiritual energetic work. This costs abit up front that I don’t have, and would very much appreciate any help others who also care about animals can give. This will in turn will aid dogs, cats, horses, birds and other animals whose owners come to me for healing.

Help to protect and heal pets and other animals by supporting start-ups for a nonprofit and an alternative healing clinics.


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Details Below…

It is my passion to be able to help animals. Angeltiers is a registered nonprofit that supports other pet, wildlife or environmental nonprofit organizations.  I would like to obtain 501c3 tax status for this nonprofit. Angeltiers Mission Statement: To help the planet by supporting nonprofit organizations that benefit animals or the environment.  In addition, funds are needed to purchase the tools and training needed for a spiritual method of healing animals.  Both Angeltiers nonprofit organization and spirit healing business startups will be going to help animals including pets, domestic animals and wildlife.

With $3500 I can apply for 501c3 status for the registered nonprofit Angeltiers. The cost is $850 as I am able to do the paperwork myself. An additional $1,200 is needed to launch the campaigns that will in turn raise funds that help animals and pets. My qualifications include degrees in Graphic and Web design, nonprofit experience on the board of Angeltiers, and a life-long passion and experience with animals including horses, cats, birds and dogs. Online presence is at Angeltiers.org.

In addition to the nonprofit, funding is needed to begin a spiritual or energy healing practice with the main focus on healing animals. The tools needed to start will be purchased from Chris Kehler, successful energy healer from Canada. His website presence is at ChrisKehler.net. He also can provide the training in the use of these unique energy healing devices. Cost to start a healing business is $500 initial investment for the tools and training, $500 for a desktop computer and $300 for a printer and miscellaneous related electronics, and $150 for needed supplies and insurance. My qualifications include many years of animal communication experience, I can speak to animals and hear them as well. My online presence with animal communication is located at YourHealthyPet.com.

Websites that were created by myself are already in place for both Angeltiers and healing pets. When funded I will start right away with the animal healing, and send in the paperwork for Angeltiers nonprofit. I am fully dedicated to these missions and willing to devote my time to their success.

A short sample of this type of Animal Energy Healing.

Join Across The Realms, other Lightworkers and compassionate animal lovers by supporting start-ups called to service for a nonprofit and an alternative healing clinics.

Contribute Today & Receive Perks!


  • $25 Pet Message On Photo – One short telepathic animal communication session with your pet. The main message from your animal will be typed onto a photo supplied by you.
  • $50 Animal Talk Session with Photo – One full animal communication session with your pet plus one photo supplied by you, cleaned up if necessary, with a message from your animal typed onto the photo.
  • $100 Pet Healing Session – For a $100 contribution receive a pet healing session for one of your pets, a $50 value.

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