
brian sharp angelic visions

I’m often asked about how I do what I do as a psychic medium…

It’s really very simple–much more simple than I ever dreamed before I began doing the work of Spirit. Whether I’m conducting a psychic reading for someone by phone, working individually with a mediumship student, or listening to the guidance of my own angels, it all boils down to trust.

As a medium I have to get ego out of the way, which means that I can’t allow myself to get fixated upon the notion of being “right.” I have to completely trust that Spirit is always right and that my own involvement in the process is secondary. This may sound simple, but we humans have an inherent need to understand, to rationalize, and to feel validated. It’s common for a medium or psychic to periodically ask his or her client during a reading whether the information given makes sense to the client. We are not “fishing” for information; rather, this gives us momentary confirmation that we are not simply “making it up”–validation. I usually do not even understand what Spirit conveys to me, and a good medium or psychic will not try to understand it but will merely accept and trust it as it comes.

Truthfully I strongly prefer not to even have information about a client before a reading, for I find that this allows me to be much more objective in sensing the information. I regard myself and others like me not as some spiritual guru with all the answers to the Universe but rather more as an interpreter:  Spirit conveys the information to me in one language, and it is then my task to attempt to translate it into an understandable alternate form.

I regularly work with those interested in developing their own psychic gifts and offer a personal mentoring program. Students successfully completing the program are eligible to receive certification in mediumship and psychic consultation, and many go on to conduct psychic readings professionally.

For more information about Brian Sharp, his work or to schedule a private reading, please visit AngelicVisionsMedium.com or AngelicVisionsLLC.etsy.com