
I’m so thrilled to have had the opportunity to interview author Germany Kent!

In a world filled with negative conversation via social media, she is ‘The Hope Guru’ and prides herself on spreading positivity. I had a great time talking with her about her writing style and personal tidbits. She is currently promoting her latest book, 

You Are What You Tweet: Harness The Power of Twitter to Create a Happier, Healthier Life.

you are what you tweet

She recently won the Readers Favorite Gold Award for this publishing, which is her 10th mind, body and spirit book. No stranger to the spotlight, she has been featured in Inc. Magazine, Fast Company, Yahoo! News (just to name only a few), and worked alongside some of Hollywood’s most elite actors including the likes of Chris Pine, Julie Bowen, Selena Gomez, Debby Ryan, Robert Irvine and many more. With a thriving career consisting of a mixture of high-profile gigs, Germany Kent is soaring to great heights! No diva here, the outgoing lady of distinction (actress, producer, journalist, voice talent, model, multi-media personality and writer) is unpretentious, has a bubbly personality, and was a pleasure to interview. I took some time to find out more about the award-winning author. She gives a glimpse of her hectic lifestyle, her must-haves and what it takes to keep the social media marketing powerhouse happy. 

On having a ritual before, or during writing…

I like to listen to music and burn scented candles while I’m writing. That helps me to concentrate. I also like to write very late at night.

On overcoming writers block…

Eliminate distractions. Sit down and focus no matter what. Start typing how you feel in that moment – even if it is not cohesive – just write. You can always go back later and edit, but this way it frees you from being stuck.

Before I tweet or post anything online…

I always ask myself is it true, is it kind, and is it necessary. Does my content add to the space or is it just clouding the feed. I feel as though we all have a responsibility when it comes to the things we say on social media. Posting content online can be seriously harmful or incredibly useful, but one should always remember – when it comes to public sharing, “You Are What You Tweet!”

In my home, I’m relentless about…

order and neatness. I am a neat freak – not a perfectionist – but like to be able to put my hands on things when I need them. I love closet organizers, built-in shelves and storage solutions.

On loving yourself…

Learn to train your thoughts and try to see only the good in every situation. Get in the habit of rewarding yourself – for small milestones. Sometimes a visit to the local pretzel shop is just the boost you need. Get to know yourself better – your likes and dislikes and learn to say no to things that are against your values and morals. Focus on your long-term goals and increase your productivity by taking baby steps each day. Drop the ego, humble yourself, take yourself on a date, eat healthy, smile at yourself, compliment yourself, think positive thoughts and watch how you talk to yourself – because you are listening.

On life experiences that have inspired your work…

Being involved in the community with various outreach programs have really shaped my thinking over the years and been a resource many times on reflection and gratitude. I think having gone through two devastating floods, two life-threatening car accidents, four hurricanes, and being a temporary resident in a red cross shelter for four days, due to a health hazard in the city, has had an enormous impact on my life and inspired me. I know those four days living in that shelter was a crash coarse for me in self-development. Overall, I believe the heart wrenching moments, obstacles, hardships, struggles and tribulations have given me new life. Though it all, I have been able to triumph over the misfortunes and build courage and strength, and have gained a great deal of empathy, and compassion for others. The experience of being put in various uncomfortable situations has given me a higher level of tolerance and made me more flexible also.

Personal development and spiritual growth happens when…

You begin to laugh at yourself, accept your mistakes and embrace your flaws. Make time for prayer, meditation, and reflection. Strive to become better – by laying one brick at a time. Become a faithful servant. Cultivate wisdom, courage, faith and resilience. Simple: To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are. Motivate yourself. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Your life will become more fulfilling when you loose the anger, stress, anxiety and “poor me” attitude. Let it go.

Speaking on success to others…

Do not surrender to cant. Persistence, determination, endurance and self-motivation should become your four good friends. These things will help you to overcome almost anything. Become a self-determined person on the move. Listen to your intuition. Make your own way, by being yourself. Don’t limit yourself based only on what you see in front of you today. Embrace your imperfect life and quit worrying about things you cannot control. Believe it and build it. If you build it, they will come. You already have inside of you what you need to prevail, you only need to believe that is true.

It was a good day if...

I’ve made at least one other person happy other than myself.

Happiness is… 

all about doing what you love and loving what you do. Nothing is going to rescue you from your current situation, you must take control of your own well-being and celebrate the goodness in you. Be your own knight in shining armor! Rescue yourself from misery, loneliness, depression, or anything else that has pulled you away from the fulfilling life you deserve.

Germany Kent

Germany Kent is the bestselling and award–winning author of You Are What You Tweet  and The Hope Handbook Series. She has been named one of the Top 100 people to follow on Twitter and ranked as a Top 100 social media marketing influencer. She’s also a dynamic public speaker, mental health advocate, and in-demand consultant. She volunteers a great deal of her time and energy to charity, and is a noted philanthropist.

Learn more about You Are What You Tweet at http://whatyoutweet.com/about-the-book

You can follow Germany @germanykent or learn more about her at www.germanykent.com