
How do Psychics Work?  Psychics work by establishing a connection with you. In the moment of connection, a real psychic taps into your energy at a soul level, connecting with their own Guides or deeply intuitive knowing to bring you the information you seek.    Are phone and online psychic readings the same as in-person readings?   Many people wonder if there’s a difference between getting a psychic reading in person vs. talking to live psychics over the phone or through online chat. Can psychics get the same information and insights over the phone or computer that they do when they see you in person? The answer is: Absolutely! You do not have to be physically present for the best psychic readings. When we ask our Advisors how do psychics know, they invariably tell us that their intuitive response to a person does not depend on that person’s physical presence in the same room. In fact, sometimes a person sitting in front of a live psychic feels apprehensive and is not easily readable, while a person getting a live psychic reading by phone or online chat may be much more open and in tune with the experience.  Psychics work by reading energy.  What does a psychic do? Ultimately, what the psychic is doing is reading energy. Some energy is perceived via the senses, but most is read through extrasensory perception. This is what makes a psychic reading unique, and deeply personal to you.  In this video, our psychic Advisors explain some of the ways they tune in psychically to deliver insight, guidance, predictions and support. Their styles of tuning in and drawing on hidden and unseen information is as varied as the many types of psychics with whom you can connect at Psychic Source. The challenges with psychic reading expectations

In psychic readings as in life, there is a universal inclination to get what we expect. Psychology teaches us that our minds seek proof of that which we already consider, interpreting “neutral” information as evidence to support our beliefs. From a metaphysical perspective, we are aware that our ideas shape our reality.

Psychic readings are perfect for guiding and directing you at the times when you feel lost.

Because being disappointed by unmet expectations feels terrible! Especially when we’ve put our souls bare or trusted another with feelings, hopes and our most profound secrets. This really is what can make obtaining a psychic reading so scary – Will our anticipations be disappointed? And even though ATR Psychics stands behind each psychic reading with a risk-free, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, we know the emotional stakes are high when approaching a psychic for replies to your most intimate questions.

Approaching your reading with expectations that are clear and realistic
That is a delicate equilibrium between being realistic in your expectations, and expecting the greatest. It is all too simple to get a service to promise you’ll be “blown away” by psychic advice, and certainly there are times when that happens. However there are also times when a psychic reading is a lot less dramatic, for instance, when it validates something you know in your bowel, or it connects the dots in ways which you had previously missed. Sometimes “amazement” is not even of a prediction or bit of information, but instead concerning the experience of being understood so well. As opposed to going into your reading using a preset notion of the way you want to feel or what you want to listen to, try and keep open to what’s revealed. What you have every right to expect, is that the Advisor will show to you the honest truth as he or she sees it. Ultimately, it truly is up to you get it to use and how exactly to interpret your psychic reading.

Are you going to be amazed? Perhaps. But what you walk away with may actually be far more useful, powerful and reassuring.