Featured Contributor Diane is a writer, angel intuitive, teacher and healer who is here to assist in the current transition of planet earth into the frequency of love. She is also channel and medium, who uses her intuitive gifts to create books, meditations, teaching tools and inspired music. She also offers personal, intuitive guidance, healing and one to one tuition in psychic and spiritual development though her website ChannelingLove.net.

This week’s weekly angel reading was posted a tiny bit later than usual, due to some sudden questioning and energetic confusion over the weekend. It’s not uncommon for empaths to feel a vast range of energies very deeply, directly and often viscerally. This often includes planetary energies as well as environmental, collective and interpersonal waves of thought and feeling. Most of us who are sensitive to energies and consciously plugged into the cosmic grid, can feel these incredible astrological transits affecting our lives, our relationships, the way we think and feel and even our bodies and energy levels. And with the recent confusion caused by the incredibly high number of retrograde planets we’ve been experiencing recently, you don’t have to be an astrologer to notice that yet another intense shift has taken place.

Well, Mercury is moving on now, and Jupiter is finally going direct and looking a little more promising to a collection of bewildered and disgruntled Virgos!

And despite the sudden jolt of questioning this sudden direct motion might have brought with it, what a relief this will be for so many of us. It should hopefully bring a bit of relief in the face of the lethargy-inducing retrograde of Mars.

In recent months, we have been challenged to look deeply into our unconscious thoughts, beliefs and motivations and to allow the real being that we are at our deepest, purest core, to emerge into the light of day, without self- criticism or judgement. “The truth will set you free”, is the first sentence that comes to mind this week. As so many of us continue to raise our awareness of our highest truth and our brightest vision of our lives so far, it’s time to put away small thinking and to trust that the universe has our backs.

In this week’s weekly angel reading video, the message is loud and clear: It’s time to raise your standards and allow the true you to emerge.

This is definitely going to be a powerful week to raise our standards and go out into the world with confidence. After a huge rethink, it’s time to begin to let the real you emerge! There may be unexpected or unusual conversations or disclosures to come. There are things that need to be stated in order to affirm that you intend to embrace change in concrete terms. The strongest message this week is that It’s time to go out into the world with confidence, sharing the beauty and truth of your new vision.

It will be a week of change, of new insights, and of inspired action. A week to remember that however terrified we might feel about making changes that reflect a deeper truth about ourselves, when we go forward in full faith we will build confidence and strength as we go, step by step.

We can only discover how strong we are by testing our strength with action!

To watch Diane’s Weekly Angel Card Readings including this weeks video 

Click Here


Have a great week everyone!