
Insight Into Celtic DivinationCeltic Divination
The folks of Ireland were fairly knowledgeable and really religious in the art of divination, which is as old the hills of Ireland themselves. There were many forms of divination that are still practiced today and were handed down through the ages.


Ogham Divination
The Oghan is an early script also called the Celtic Tree Alphabet. It’s believed to have been named after the Irish god Ogma, the Celtic God of eloquence and literacy. The characters are referred to by the Ogham. Each corresponds to your letter or sound, in addition to a tree or wood. Additionally, each one of those symbols has come to be connected with various meanings and elements of the human experience.

The letters or Oghams were carved into wooden staves. The staves were usually cut off a branch of a nut-bearing tree. The Ogham staves were cast on a clean white fabric or onto sacred ground. The individual doing the divination interpret the message of the Oghan and would than look at the Oghan letters on the staves. The way the staves fell would provide insight regarding just what the future may hold.

Wisdom in the Trees
The Celts understood that certain qualities would be developed by a child born inside a particular season.

Each season has a corresponding Tree. The Celts believed that Trees have a really specific energy all their very own. Using their knowledge of the cycles in the Earth and their profound connection with Trees, they would map out a man’s life path. The Celts considered Trees were boats of boundless wisdom. You can find your own personal Celtic Tree signal here.

Divination of Sight
The Celts were expert observers and quite adept at reading the signs in nature. Watching the movement of flames in fire or the patterns in the clouds would give clues of events that are upcoming. Scrying, or gazing into pools of water, could also give of what lay ahead, signs and symbols.

Omens were sought for almost every task, but were especially significant when setting out on a journey. Fowl were also sacred to the Celts and beveled to foretell the future by detecting their flight patterns, calls and other behaviours.

You can begin looking for the signals in nature on your own personal journeys. Can there be tree or a particular animal that may possess a unique meaning for you personally? It’s astounding what we are able to learn if we just slow down and look around us.