
Consulting Psychics To Boost Your Online Social Media Brand Presence? Everyone wants to be liked on Facebook. And everyone needs lots of friends to get lots of likes and shares. But aside from throwing a Facebook page up and spraying the Facebook icon around your business’s direct marketing materials, how do you grow a really purposeful Facebook community and can a Psychic help you?

Facebook and social networking need to fit in with your overall Brand but also be personal and share relevent information within your niche or persona. A psychic can help you tap into what strengths you can use to attract a niche collective and having exprience is this area can refer you to useful resources and tools as well.

We don’t simply ask people to follow us on Facebook because they enjoy our services, no one does that – people have to like you and want what you have to offer. We make Facebook and other social networking platforms, like Twitter and Pinterest, an active platform for interactions between our clients as well as other psychic and spiritual niche companies. It’s a win-win situation: we build customer loyalty and attain new customers while having more ways to connect with other psychics and strengthen our brand.

What ATRpsychics does on Facebook to prolong its exponential increase in shares, likes and follows by using IFTTT to syndicate all of our content and updates across platforms meaning, when I published this article it was automatically posted on all Social Media accounts, making the ATRpsychics Brand consistent while building high ranking backlinks to this post. Besides sharing Intuitive Arts Magazine’s RSS feed, we also found that people really like our custom relevent image quotes and info graphs (with our logo) and exclusive offers and discounts. However, this is not enough to build a community and that is key so we engage and reward our fans by accepting Free Psychic Reading Questions and Answering the the ones that many people can take messages and guidance from, also by posting Tarot cards with numbers to choose from and reveling the messages relating to what you are drawn too and posting psychic development exercises like “what’s in the box” were people can test their intuitive abilities when the answer is revealed. In these ways, we socialize practically every day with our Facebook community.

Put simply, ATRpsychics uses Facebook as one more method to construct the kinds of connections of each successful psychic reading – by email or phone and by building our own successful social media brand presence – we can help you succeed in building yours.

Our social networking growth also emphasizes our attempts in the last few years to bring psychic services out of the shadows and to the mainstream.