Featured Guest Post Provided by Farali @ FaraliHealing.com
Helping others is a powerful way to attain lasting happiness and personal growth…

It is not that people do not want to give or help others. The truth is, people are so caught up in the quest for fixing their own lives that they forget about others. There is no denying the fact that it is important to put yourself ahead of others, yet it is even more important to try and help others, whenever you get the opportunity. Contrary to popular belief, it is not about altruism all the time – serving and helping others have tangible advantages in your life and it does not always have to be at your own expense.

  • Helping others is a pathway to achieving great happiness – Becoming compassionate and generous towards others has a direct effect on your happiness. There is a sense of accomplishment that no materialistic achievement can ever match up to. Just by being nice and cooperative to the people around, you can achieve innate joy.
  • It is a key to building unparalleled trust – It is normal to be suspicious of someone helping others, without seeking anything in return. But, if you are able to keep up with this behaviour; you can, as well; build trust about yourself in the minds of others. As people begin to trust you, respect and admiration in the community becomes smooth sailing.
  • Lending a helping hand aids in creating networks – In today’s age and time, networking is a major empowering factor. As our society thrives on human interaction, networking provides us with the resources needed to boost success in life. The easiest way to build networks is by serving the needs of others, so that they genuinely want to help you back, without you having to ask.
  • Being of service to others, creates a better society – A helping hand to others goes a long way in transforming and making our society a better place to live in.

If you have been caught up in the race of life and separated yourself from the great mass of humanity, it is never too late to start over again. By lending a helping hand to those in need, you will feel be able to feel good about yourself. This world has had its share of wars and consequent losses. Blinded by greed, jealousy and hatred, we do not need to start another one. Here are some simple ways to unlock the great power of helping others.

#Smile – It is often the simplest of things that deeply touch the heart and make a difference. If smiling randomly at strangers feel too awkward, start with smiling at someone you know. You may begin by greeting your parents, partner or sibling at home, and then extending the same to your driver, doorman and colleagues. Remember, a simple smile might just be enough to brighten up someone’s day.

#Donate things you no longer use or need – Gather the things you have in your house that you no longer need, put them in a box and drop it off at a charity. Someone else can put your clutter to good use.

#Volunteer for a cause – Volunteering is one of the most fantastic things you can do. If you have heard about a soup kitchen being run in your neighbourhood or NGOs asking for volunteers for flood or earthquake relief work, call and sign up.

#Purchase food for the homeless – Offering cash to the homeless is often a bad idea and the money is invariably never put to good use. Instead, you can buy the homeless some food and respectfully hand it over.

#Donate clothes to the homeless shelter – If you are cleaning up your cupboard and come across clothes that are in a perfectly good shape, but no longer fit you, pack them up and donate them to a homeless shelter. If you have some money to spare, you may even go the extra mile to buy some woolen blankets for the homeless.

#Babysit for your neighbour or relative – Parents too need a break sometimes. If you have friends or relatives with kids, or even neighbors, call them up and offer to babysit, so that they can have some time for themselves.

#Just be there – ‘Helping’ does not always mean that you have to lend money or buy clothes. Sometimes all you are required to do is lend a patient ear and just be there for the person going through trouble.

#Love others Find ways to express your love for others. Help your mother in the kitchen, get groceries, clean the car for your father, help your sibling in his or her project work or assist a colleague at work. Express your love for everyone around you – family, co-worker and even strangers. A simple smile or hug can also do great wonders.

Helping others means to look beyond yourself, but not forgetting yourself. Do not help someone because you want something in return from him or her. Helping can only make you feel good, unburdened and happy; when you are doing so without any ulterior motive attached to it. But, do remember to help till the point you can and not more than that.

So, have you helped someone today?

If not, try it out and be amazed at the positive transformation it brings into your life.