
Spiritual Success Michelle Barr Interview Transcription

Holly Joy

Welcome to ATR Psychic Talk Radio I am your host Holly Joy. Today we are here with Michelle Barr of MichelleBarr.com. She is a certified spiritual director, coach for intuitive women, conscious business expert and spiritual business mentor who helps people translate their soul’s purpose into a tangible step-by-step plan to create personal and business success so they can make money while making a difference.

Holly Joy

Welcome Michelle

Michelle Barr

Hi Holly, it is great to be here thank you.

Holly Joy

It is great to have you here and thank you for coming. Can you tell us about your personal story? What made you realize that helping others build their spiritual businesses was your soul’s purpose?

Michelle Barr

Yes, it has been a long journey really, a personal journey where I went through myself. I have always known that I was a helper and a healer. I have been empathic since I was very young, but I didn’t know what it was. When you grow up that way, a lot of times you just think that is how it is. I was very aware of spirit very early on, intuitive, psychic and now I recognize that I had some mediumship experiences when I was young. First I was just caught up in life and marriage and family and having a job and raising children. I really took traditional routes, I went to graduate school and became a mental health therapist, but I kept having experiences where I could really feel the people and I could intuit a lot of things. I wasn’t able to do the work that I really wanted to do in that way. Then I was searching for the spiritual meaning to really be able to work with people. I believe that every crises has a spiritual component even for people who don’t believe in God.  or whatever way they look at that. So, I was called to seminary and I became a hospital chaplain. Still, I didn’t feel that I was addressing all of the pieces. I came to a place to a big transition and I thought, what if I show up as me? I had been keeping my spiritual life and my spiritual gifts very separate. I was supposed to be this expert in the medical model and all of that. I thought what if I start my own business and I bring counselor, chaplain and coach altogether? And I did I started it in my local community. I opened a healing and wellness center and started really working in energy medicine and becoming an energy healer and energy medicine specialist. From there I grew that business and I saw the struggles people were going through especially in my community. First I created a very expensive hobby and then I learned how to make a business that would thrive and keep going. Now I have found myself, over the past several years, as a business coach.  I stared out as a personal and spiritual coach and now I get hired to help psychics and mediums and healers learn how to actually use their gifts and make money. That is my journey to where I am now. I understand how they think and feel and process and what motivates and inspires them and I think that helps me do business for people like us.

Psychic Holly Joy

Well it certainly sounds like you have had a long road and journey to get to where you are today. A lot of different experiences that have prepared you to be where you are today. We touched on your credentials a little bit. Could you go deeper and tell us about what you have been doing more recently and how you are working with your clients?

Michelle Barr

Yes, I really kept that blend because I stared out in personal and spiritual growth and development. Having the background in mental health and working in the mental and emotional realm and also being an empath and intuitive I still bring that to my work. I find the journey of stepping out and creating a spiritual business and selling yourself all our money stuff comes up and things about spirituality both in our community and in our culture at large. We really get into a lot of our own stuff so I work with my clients energetically, intuitively and strategically . One of my gifts is using both my right and left brain so being intuitive and also a strategist, I can get in there and feel into my clients and work with the energy and come up with intuitive strategy. I also really help people get into action that is something I started doing a few years ago that has grown into kind of my specialty because the missing piece was I saw all these intuitives and helpers and healers in the world with these big dreams and visions in their heads and never getting those out into the real world and they were so gifted and they were working jobs they didn’t love they’re broke, they’re sick, they’re unhappy and yet they were so gifted and they could impact so many people.

Psychic Holly Joy

Would you say that using your right and left brain, as you touched on, is your biggest gift when it comes to helping people?

Michelle Barr

I think that is what the blend has become I have really found that I am an intuitive and a strategist. My biggest natural gift, I have psychic and mediumship abilities, but I became aware that the energy piece was my biggest gift that I had been using before I was conscious of it and so it helps me in my work even now. I can read energy, I can feel energy, I can manage energy and move energy. Now when I am in sessions with clients I’m running energy and reading energy and helping them move energy. That has really been my biggest gift and I have brought all of those pieces together to just show up as more of me and that has created my business and that is really what I teach people.

Holly Joy

That sounds like you’re working with a more unique combination than you typically see in a business coach or a spiritual adviser. Would you say it is less common to have both in one?

Michelle Barr

I think it is and that is and that is really where I found my niche. I have had some strong mentors that have modeled different pieces to me, but I have really gotten pieces from them. I have had some coaches that I considered very woo woo and they were very spiritual and in those gifts they modeled for me how you can have success building a spiritual business and impacting thousands of people and doing something that created success for you as well as impacting others. I have had very strong business coaches and I find that I really get a lot the healers and the intuitives, the psychics and mediums because of the unique blend that I have. I created my own business school called, Spiritual Business School and it is very unique because it teaches you real business strategy and concepts and principals, but every week it also teaches you energy and I believe you have to work with both at the same time.

Psychic Holly Joy

Absolutely. There are several types of spiritually based businesses, some of which you just touched upon, as of now, in your experience, what would you say people are being called to the most lately?

Michelle Barr

I love that you asked why my business has really grown over the past two years. What I started seeing showing up about two years ago is what I would identify as spiritual teachers they may not be calling themselves that. I would get all of these people who would say, I have been reading, I have been doing mediumship or psychic work or energy healing. Some of them would say that they have been doing it for a decade, but now I have something inside of me this bigger message and I don’t know what to do with it. I feel like there are a lot of healers and helpers being called into to step into

that spiritual teacher. There have been people who have paved the way for that in our world that now more people are stepping up. That too has been part of my journey and so what I am seeing is they are stepping in and adding coaching as a part of their business. Before I was just doing straight energy healing work you’d come in and get on my table, and then I realized that I could help people more by also coaching. People are also feeling like they have a book inside of them,they should be speaking on stages, doing radio shows, building that whole platform. That is what I am seeing people moving towards they are being called to get out in a bigger way. More than serving people one to one and more than selling their minutes for dollars.

Psychic Holly Joy

I certainly agree that more light workers are being called to service more recently, and I feel that they will continue to be. I would hope, and it seems to make sense that more people like you would also start to emerge, as you’ve said, to pave the way.

Michelle Barr

Yes, I agree because I am seeing them really showing up. A few years ago my business started getting more full and last year it was very full. Women just like what we are talking about and every seat filled and now I am doing a second group of it. They are just showing up everywhere. They are finding me online and seeking me out. I think more and more people are being called or they have been nudged and called for a while and now they can no longer ignore it they have this life’s calling and they really want to express it.

Holly Joy

We have a question in chat. What is the biggest mistake you see people make in starting their spiritual business?

Michelle Barr

That is a great one because some of that I learned first hand. One was when I started my local business in the community a healing and wellness center and I started teaching classes and having clients I was doing a lot that the community loved but I was not making good business decisions. That is pretty typical for a lot of us. It is not our top motivator so we don’t always pay attention to money and we don’t make those decisions and then we run it into the ground. I created financial disaster for my family and I had to close my business. It is that over-giving and giving ourselves away and then we can’t keep a business that is sustainable. The other is not valuing ourselves enough and undercharging and over-giving and not understanding how to make things marketable when you take yourself into the market place. Also, I move all of my clients immediately out of selling their time, their minutes and hours for dollars and really focusing their work in other ways. Not doing so much just one of sessions, but helping people – I find that your gifts like you have you could help somebody for a longer period in profound ways. Part of my passion is to get intuitives who already have those gifts to be doing more than just readings. I give readings too, I love readings and they are helpful to me and people will always want them, but there are other people who want the deeper gifts that you all have and that I have. We can really mentor and coach so I am really passionate about more intuitive coaches and over the next year or two I am really going to start focusing on that.

Holly Joy

That make a lot of sense to me. Could you walk us through what a typical action plan for a client looks like?

Michelle Barr

Yes, first I have my basic teaching so my Spiritual Business School is the foundational course, it is in 8 weeks where it shows you how to build what I call the well-oiled machine. We are all very fluid and flexible and intuitive and yet we have to build a container and channels for people to come and pay us, and a container, a system and process. I was not ever a routine structure or system or process person, but when you build this container you can pour yourself and your work into it. I start with the basics and there are certain proven strategies that work. Enough people have used them and they work and then you bring your uniqueness in. At the same time I am helping clients find who they best serve, what problems they solve, what their message is. You have a powerful story that is different from mine and life experiences that are different from mine. I help people brand themselves as the person because for me I know lots of psychics and healers and mediums so why would I be drawn to you and hire you instead of another one? It becomes that personal touch and you build the community and serve them. I like to get people into action right away and I chunk it way down into actionable steps. You can guess all day long what your stuff is that is going to come up, what is going to trigger you, what is going to stop you or derail you, but if you don’t get into action you won’t see. The minute you get into action then you see all your stuff that is going to come up. So I work with people on the marketing and strategy and then the mind set and you really need both. So I am giving people strategies they can go out and implement and get results right away. You have to be in business now and you have to make money even to afford your coaching, training, website and email system and all of those things. You already have everything you need to be in business right now.

Holly Joy

I just want to put it out there that I went online and signed up for all of your free resources. There is so much great content and exercises for the things you have been talking about and the outline process to really get into action. Can you tell us a little bit more about these free gifts that you have?

Michelle Barr

Yes, and I am really glad that you got to experience some of that. It is part of what I teach and it is also what I love. When I was running my business into the ground and not able to sustain it and then had to close it, I was over-giving and undercharging, but then I couldn’t do my work anymore. Now I have build a way that I actually can give more away for free than every before. It is also a strategy that I teach my clients that you put valuable content out and you serve the tribe and then they gather around and eventually they become your clients and they come to you. So I have all kinds of free resources on my website you talked about MichelleBarr.com. I have a free training video about how to get started building a spirit led business. I have free training calls, which are hour-long tele-classes. I have one all about money and spirituality and it has energy processes, clearing and healing. On my other website, IntuitiveWomenEntrepreneurs.com I have a seven-day, free email course that everyday for seven days I give you actions to implement and I give you a taste of how it is to work with me and also how to start building your spiritual business. Between those two sites I have a radio show I do every week and all of that is free–I have lots of free resources.

Psychic Holly Joy

Well I am on day four and I absolutely love it.

Michelle Barr


Holly Joy

I recommend that anyone interested go to MichelleBarr.com and sign up, it is definitely well worth it. We have a question in chat: Would you say that your Guides or Higher Self are vital to this process and what the first step would be toward knowing your Guides?

Michelle Barr

Absolutely it is. It was that intuition and that communion with sprint and my higher self that led me into the work and there is still that balance. Where before, when I was struggling in my business, I was totally spirit led, but you really do want to then come in and do those pieces that are more grounded too. Without that intuitive guidance, I would be lost. One thing, I trained in energy healing and energy medicine and whether you ever want to be an energy healer or not, I tell everybody whatever calls to you study a modality and get involved in something like that because the principals of using energy I use them in my business and in my life every day. It will teach you that working with energy and those are core principals in my work. So really that learning with your guides and another thing I did early on when I started my business was I joined an intuitive development circle and now it is one of the first strategies I teach my clients who are psychics and mediums and healers. I joined one and I was in that circle for almost three years and we met every week. Last year I joined a circle again, you just get in among that high vibration and you start working with those gifts because I rely on my intuitive and energy healing gifts to run my business. It is what makes me the coach that I say I am and I am serving intuitives and healers, and so I have to develop that side as much as any business, as much as I am out training and being coached in business, I am always working on my energy and my intuition.

Psychic Holly Joy

Beautiful. Could you touch base a little bit on what your sacred business success formula is?

Michelle Barr

Yes, you know when I really started thinking about success, when I started realizing I am in business and I have to deal with money and measuring success and being able to run a business that supports and sustains itself and all of those things, I really got clear very quickly that for me the term sacred success really fit. There were other times in my life when I had created success, but I was never being fully me. I have to have that sacred component, I have to have that communion with spirit, I have to be the intuitive energy healer that I am and I have to show up and use those gifts. I have found that is true for my clients as well. Until I started this business I had never experienced what I consider sacred success. Now I talk about sacred business success. You can go out and create business success and there are a lot of people who have had different forms of that, but it doesn’t always bring them fulfillment. I think people like us that are being called as light-workers and spiritual teachers, and helpers and healers have to have somethings to be fulfilled that other entrepreneurs who step out and just say I am going to start a business and make money. They are on a very different path and I talk about that all of the time. None of my clients ever started out with that thought, I want to be an entrepreneur and start a business and then they say, well should I sell widgets on line or should I open a store and sell shoes or cakes or should I buy a franchise like Subway or Pizza Hut. We start with this calling and these gifts and that is where the sacred part of that comes in. I have a formula that is the basis for everything I do, which I call my IOA formula for success, which stands for – Intention, opportunity and action. It is a cycle that I teach people that we start consciously creating, we set a powerful intention. Ask and it is given so right away opportunities start showing up. We watch for the opportunities and we step into the opportunities and then we take inspired action. So, all along while that is going out externally this is where our energy, intuition and mind set come in. When you are setting powerful intentions then you have the energy management to hold that space and support yourself 100% and have that focused energy. When opportunities start showing up we have to develop our intuition to actually see them and be able to determine which ones to step into. The minute you start taking new action, it creates new thoughts and new feelings and you have to have the mindset to maintain that.

Holly Joy

Thank you. So even if someone is certain about what they wish to pursue and what their calling is, it can still be difficult to have or gather the funds to start building a spiritual business. So in this case, what do you suggest your clients do to attain the required funding and take those first steps?

Michelle Barr

It is great question because the number one objection I still get when people call me and they know I am their coach and they need to work with me and they need to do this and they put it off too long in their life, money is still the number one objection. We look at each person because you have got to work energetically with the person and with their stress and whether they use stress positively or negatively. I have everything from clients who stepped out of their six figure job, who I call ledge leapers, but they are going to use the stress positively and they just start running. I start giving them strategies and they deal with their stuff quickly and they just get out there and create the money, or, they have some access to money.

Other people come to me and I help them phase out of jobs they don’t love. A year ago I had a client who is a very gifted psychic medium. She was working as a lawyer making six figures and was really the primary breadwinner in her family at the time. With her, we worked on a plan to phase that out and she set a goal of one year. January 4th of this year, she left that job. We worked together for a year building that for her and getting that in place. Other times as people step in and start creating they start creating either new job opportunities that are a better fit; a lot of times it is actually good to take a job, if it still gives you what you need to start building a business, and that job can fund your dream. Other times we look for other sources so I always work individually. You can look at any of those ways. There are things you can do now even working a full-time job. You can start building it and just taking new action will start bringing results. What I focus on the most is that you are in business now, even before you have a website or anything that is perfect or even there. I teach you that you have something to sell right now and I make sure you are ready that you can start attracting that right now. So it is really, again it is energetic and it is also practical in the world that we are living in- the 3D world. So energetically you are working with your money stuff. You are opening and allowing and you are expanding instead of constricting. You are looking for opportunities, you are asking and being very clear and getting very focused with it. Then you start taking actions in the real world and lining those things up. It has been my experience that if I really step in, I always take the first step spirit always provides the money always shows up. For instance, I have not been without a coach since I closed that first business and decided I had to keep doing this. I haven’t been without a coach since 2009. Every time I up-level my coaching it costs more and it is really scary and yet every time, everything I need is provided as long as I am in there doing my work. In the beginning it is scary and it will bring up your money stuff and your value and worth and everything else. That is why you have a coach and you have the support and it will grow you like nothing else. Now I am so far in the payoff is so good I would never not do this. I would never not live this way. But I have had a couple of rough years.

Holly Joy

In your emails you talk a lot about, that especially for light workers and healers the real issue and limiting beliefs and fear are just around money. Besides psychics, mediums and healers, do you have any other types of clients such as channelers, people who want to be business coaches just anyone working in any other areas?

Michelle Barr

We attract creatives, artists and right-brain people, a lot of the intuitives and also people in holistic health. I have acupuncturists and chiropractors, I have had everything from a bookkeeper to three lawyers last year, but two of them are really gifted mediums. We were working with how they could do their law better in a way that they would love and how they could grow their mediumship businesses. I get lots of akashic record readers and I do get a lot of people who want to be coaches or add coaching as an income stream. They also want to be speakers and teachers. Because I was a mental health therapist and gave up my license to become a coach, I have clients who either want to add coaching or they want to have support and understand how they can get out of working under their license and come into that. A real variety, I am trying to think  about the mix of people I have right now. I have one client who is actually a quilter and an organic farmer right now. They all have some piece of what I do and are all drawn to the Abraham teachings and the Law of Attraction and the Spiritual Principals, but I do work with whatever is your life’s calling. So even they have things in common because they are artists and creatives in some way. They want to express what is inside of them authentically. It is really fun when I get those people who are just very different like that and yet they have a lot in common.

Holly Joy

That is great that you have such a wide variety of people that are getting the help that they need to fulfill their purpose and succeed in their businesses. We have a question in chat that we sort of touched on this earlier. What if you can’t hire a coach or afford the fees, how can someone succeed, in that case, without a coach?

Michelle Barr

I would never say, “You can’t.” I do know that I was not able to create the success until I hired my first coach. Now I can say this because I have not been without a coach since 2009. When I hired my first coach, I absolutely could not afford her. I had to create the money for the first month and then I was scared because I had no idea how I would make the money. Then the money did come and that happens every time.

Almost every time I hire a coach and step in I do not know how I am going to pay them. Sometimes I don’t even have the deposit. A year ago I knew I had to up-level and hire a coach that I had put off for a year that I couldn’t afford and I had all of these stories around it. I signed the contract finally and within 24-hours I had made the money for the deposit and within 30 days I had made the money to pay her for a whole year. My clients the same, clients tell me all of the time that they don’t have the money. First I coach them through how to create the money how to open up to that and they do create the money, but sometimes it is scary and they don’t know. I work with them because I am working with people on their money stuff. That is really the biggest objection that I get and it is a belief. So, part of it is to change your thinking. I have learned to change my thinking from ever saying I can’t afford that, I don’t have the money, I can’t have that. Now I will say, tell me how much that costs so I can create it. Then, I will tell the Universe that I don’t choose to use the money I already have for that because I have earmarked it for other things and you start building a belief. I would say in the beginning jump in. if nothing else, like you said, go and do my seven-day free, mini, email business building course. Start implementing it and if you are in alignment and you get in there and the universe starts supporting it you are taking action. Then believe you can create the money. There are lots of free resources out there so start plugging in. I have enough free resources to take you for a while just start consuming it. Then start really looking at shifting that belief. I have never known anybody who says they have the money, when they hire a coach, or believes they can afford a coach ever across the board. Even my colleagues and people who are with my coach and in my mastermind so it is one of the first hurdles to get over.

Holly Joy

Back to your program, I just want to mention that it is again a lot of content great free resources that someone can utilize to get them into alignment so they can create that money so they can hire a coach. Even though I have just been at it for four days, I have seen some subtle synchronicities. I just want to put that out there.

We do have a question in chat. All of your clients, I think you might agree, have found you because they were meant to find you and they would be a good fit for you. A compromise on what you can afford is probably not the best way to go when you are hiring a coach. The question being, “With so many coaches out there how do you know which one is the right one for you and your business?”

Michelle Barr

That’s a great question and it really goes along with piggybacking on that last question. The other piece is when you find the right coach, when people come to me, I also have a wide variety of how they can step in and where they can step in. Once they are my client then I work with them on their next step. So, I don’t just have one unreachable price and people usually will find that I have payment plans. I do believe what this person is saying there are lots of coaches out there and yet I believe that I have my tribe that was waiting for me on some realm energetically contracts in place whatever that is. I believe with every one of my clients they were people waiting for me to step up and step in so they could step in and receive from me and it is the same way I have chosen my coaches. I know at this point well over one hundred coaches and I know some really big coaches that I would never hire and they are good and they get results, but they just didn’t resonate or speak my language. When I find my coach I know it. That is how I have hired my coaches and it is the same with how I teach people I mean I know tons of psychics so why do I hire a healer or a psychic to work with me and work on me and not other ones? So, I agree that when those people find me they usually say they’ve consumed valuable content so they have experienced me. They have either heard me speak or read something or seen something or listened to something, but by the time I get on the phone with them they are saying usually I think you’re my coach or I know you’re my coach. I am speaking their language and we are all intuitive so they are feeling me too. When we get on the phone they feel that connection and they feel like they need to do it. There are some people who just get too afraid and all the coaching I give them before we ever get together and they actually hire me they just don’t step in, but sometimes they come back later. I had two new client this year that have been following me for at least four years since I just had my little local business. Some people find me out of the blue and hire me right away and step right in. At every level, once you come into my community there is a lot that you can consume and then you will find a place to step in. The program that I just launched right now that is a group program, but for a small group that I am filling right now it is at an easiest price. It is a platform and that is why it filled. I sold out every seat in January. So there are always things, and  If we believe that if we are asking an opportunity has to show up. It will stretch and grow you and I always say when you are investing in your coaching and training it will stretch and grow you, but don’t sign any contract that is going to devastate you. It should stretch and grow you, but I have every level for people to step in, and I have stepped in with coaches at all kinds of levels, you create the money once you start doing the work.

Holly Joy

For people who want to get started today, is there any simple exercise that you can suggest in the from of intention, affirmation, visualization, meditation or otherwise?

Michelle Barr

I do, I have two things. One is to just start right where you are right now and set one powerful intention. You know there is all the buzz right now that tomorrow is this huge energetic day. It is the new moon, it is the spring equinox, and it is the first solar eclipse of the year and people are feeling the energy. There is all kinds of stuff going on and every new moon, I set a powerful intention and I write it down and I hold it for thirty days. So, it would be a great thing to do. You could do it tomorrow or within three days of the new moon and then you can do it every new moon. I set one powerful intention, get really clear on one thing you want to create right here in the next thirty days that you want to start getting evidence of. I write that down on a card. I write down that powerful intention and I state it in the present in the positive something I want to be do or have. Then I get in a reflective space and flip the card over and whatever comes to me–I write action steps that I could take. So I don’t get caught up in I won’t do that, I can’t, I don’t have the money, I just free flow. I write at least three to five on the card.  Then I look at what I have written and I pick just one that I am willing to do, because a lot of times it comes down to what we are willing to do and I circle it. I commit to taking that action as soon as possible. Just that setting the powerful intention and taking an action will create movement–it will . If you want to create a third-dimensional result, you have to create a third-dimensional action. If you want to create massive third-dimensional results, you have to take massive third-dimensional actions and that has been the missing piece early on in my community and with a lot of my clients. The other really simple one you can do right now and you don’t even have to know what your business would be because it is very organic and it grows and evolves with you. I did not ever know this would be my business I didn’t even know this existed. I grew and evolved into it, so the other one is a vision. Everything starts for me with creating a vision of the life I want to life and then I then I have built a business that supports and sustains that. So your vision becomes a touchstone. So right now you can start working with a vision. You just start visioning you leave the hows to the Universe. That is a Universal principal that we work with. You just start saying what you want to feel like, what your life looks like, how you best like working, what you want to be doing and you get into the essence of it. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Who is around you? If you would, for thirty days, just spend five minutes in your vision and at first you are just creating it, but it will start taking on an energy and a life of its own. It will start showing up piece by piece in your real world so also be open to letting the vision start showing you. In the beginning if you would just spend five minutes a day with your vision for thirty days, magic will happen. Then that vision is the touchstone, every decision you have to make you come back to that vision and you say, will this move me toward or away from my vision? So those are the first two things I use. Setting the powerful intentions, looking for opportunities and taking at least one aligned action and the second one is that working with my vision.

Holly Joy

You mentioned that you hold on to your intention for thirty days. By holding onto it do you mean you state it out loud, put it in your pocket, you work on something that you wrote on the back for thirty days?

Michelle Barr

Right, I said at the new moon I always have lots of intentions and I have a vision and I have a big vision and then because I am running a business especially I have shorter term. This is something I started working with the cycle of the moon. So every new moon I set one intention that I can really focus on and I write it down. I actually have a pillow case that someone made for me that’s a prayer pillow so it has one of those pockets sewn in. You can put crystals and cards and all of that and I put my card in and I sleep on it. I also have cards with mantras and things that I have written on index cards that I put on my night table by my bed. So I take this one intention that I really want to see show up in thirty days and I get a lot of feedback as well as manifesting what I want. I write it in my calendar and write it on that card and I keep going back to it all month and I notice that whenever something shows up that it is feedback for that. I also really make sure that I am taking aligned action. Two weeks in you set that at the new moon and by the full moon you start assessing what has shown up so far. Under the full moon I walk it into being. Those first two weeks I am intending I’m taking aligned action and I literally go outside. I have a little circle right by my house I go outside and walk under the full moon and I walk it into being. Then the next two weeks is really about seeing what comes in. You will learn so much when you take one intention like that and focus on it, because we are consciously and unconsciously creating all the time. We are not always paying attention setting intentions every moment. This lets you take one thing and really focus on it so that is what I do each thirty days and it has been tremendously beneficial to me.

 Holly Joy

Great, you mentioned the new moon and the full moon. Is there anything that you do on the day of an eclipse, does it have any significance in the work that you do?

Michelle Barr

I am always aware of the eclipse just like they are talking about tomorrow all of the energies because I am energy sensitive. I feel like when you know what those energies are ride the wave. I was just talking about this today with some of my spiritual friends and they are all very sensitive and they are saying do just feel out of sorts, are you feeling all of this energy, are you affected by all of this? I was telling them that when you manage your energy and you jump on these waves, I am always aware of it. I really pay attention to the summer and winter solstice and the equinox. We are bringing in the spring equinox tomorrow and that is even more amplified because that is all about new beginnings new growth new birth. People in all religions and spiritual traditions celebrate that season so I really look at what has been wanting to break through. Where have I planted seeds that are wanting to break through the soil, and can I open myself up and allow that, and what am I birthing, and what new beginnings do I want. Each season when that comes in the equinox from the solstice I am really aware of that too.

Holly Joy

Thank you. On the topic of goals, I was reading some of your material the last couple of days about goals, could you tell me the importance of having goals. Do you have an outline that you could suggest for setting them?

Michelle Barr

Yes and I really work with both intentions and goals. Sometimes people are looking at which is which. Just like when people set New Years resolutions and things like that, I set powerful intentions of what I want to be do and have. Goals are the way I am going to get that. For a lot of years I didn’t write things down. I would read all of the success principals, Jack Canfield and all of those people and they would say, write down your goals. I am not a journaler and I didn’t like all that, but I noticed once I wrote it down, it would come in more quickly. There is something there, and there are all of the brain studies and energy studies when you write things down and when you write by hand. When I am setting goals, I have a paper calendar for running my business and everything else is on technology. So, I am writing down like this course right now. I have twelve seats and I want twelve people to show up and step into this. I have written down the name of the course and I have numbered it one through twelve and whenever someone shows up I am writing their name in there. I write all of my clients names so I can pay attention to them and focus on them. Every month I am setting money goals, client number goals, personal goals, all of these different goals. A goal for me is very specific. Again, I say thank you for my five new clients, thank you for my twelve new students in this course, thank you for the money. Here is the money I need this month, here is what I want to create. The goals are specific and I write them down. I have also learned – I used to never track my money, I didn’t like dealing with money, I put my head in the sand. Now I track my money and I write that down because I had coaches teach me that and I make more money and the money comes in faster. When I pay attention to the clients,and I make space for them, and I write down the numbers they show up. Anything like that I set those goals. First I set my intention and then I have my vision and then I set the goals. You want to get very specific and in the beginning it is really good to focus on true needs. We might have a big goal of how much money we would like to be making, what kind of house we want to be living in, what kind of work we want to be doing in the world. But, In the beginning I learned to really get clear on what do you need right now because the Universe responds to true needs. Decide exactly how much money you need to do what you want or to take care of crisis that you have and tell the Universe you need that exact amount of money and where it is going to go.

Holly Joy

Perfect, thank you. Could you share some stories about clients who you have had that are inspirational and demonstrate how building your own freedom based business is attainable for everyone?

Michelle Barr

Yes, I really love seeing that the success in my clients. One was the lawyer who came to me who was so sick that she could barely stay in her job, it was making her sick.  We set that goal and I said, how much longer will you tolerate this? She said until January 4, 2015 so we took that out of the picture and started working on things and here a year later on that exact date she quit that job. Now she is healthier and she is attracting all kinds of opportunities and doing the work she is called to do. Then I have clients, one client who lives in a remote area and has little children at home. You can build this for any season and stage because you are creating a vision of the life you want to live and then you build the business that supports and sustains that. I helped her, she did not want a really big business. She wanted a business that she could build with her little children at home. Now, she has a full-time, thriving business and she is being the mom and wife. She has built this online global business because she lives in a remote area and she reads akashic records and is an energy healer. She has added coaching as an income stream and she is doing amazing work with people in her own flavor. I also had a client, very gifted psychic and medium, when she reads for me, it is amazing. She had had to go back to a job and she wasn’t doing the work she loved and was called to do.  We started working together and she was able to come back out of that job because she learned how to create the income she needed. Now she is doing that work full-rime. It is really the successes in these people, these are everyday, normal people doing all kinds of things living their lives. The last one I told you about was older, no children still living in the house; the other one was primary breadwinner in her family walking out of a six-figure job she had little kids at home. The other one is a mother of very young children. So each of these people just showed up to be more of themselves and that is what they have in common. That shows that it is so doable, it is so possible and so doable and it is attainable for everyone. It is really just stepping in and starting to do it because all of my clients just showed up where they were. A lot of them told me they didn’t even know how they would have the money to pay me. They had to crate that money. So, they are everyday people from all walks of life in all different situations.

 Holly Joy

Do you have any clients who are unsure of what their soul’s purpose is and, if so, what do you tell them?

Michelle Barr

Yes I do, they are feeling a calling, but they don’t really know and that is a question all the time about what’s my soul purpose. So one of the things we from the very beginning is we dive really deep. I am intuitive and I work with energy so I am not going to tell them straight out, I want them to discover it. One of my gifts is, when they start talking to me, I get them to talk to me and start sharing their story. They will start sharing their message and I will be able to identify. Because it is in your story and in your message. All of a sudden when they are talking to me and they are talking as if they were being interviewed on national television, but they weren’t prepared, there was no script and they are just so passionate, I can pull those key pieces out. I can feel the energy and I can feel when they line up with it and then we start developing it. A lot of times they are not surprised, but they are relived and surprised that wow, it showed up! A part of them knows that’s what it was. We have had people grow and evolve into all kinds of things where they just came to me. A lot of times they just come to me with a label, I am a psychic, I am medium, I am a healer. I say, you have something very unique and that is what we are going to get to because that is what will make you marketable when you go out into the marketplace. There is a lot. I say, building your own business is the most intensive, personal and spiritual course you could ever enroll in and it will grow you like nothing else. Part of that is that they discover that and when they hit it there is usually a lot of emotion and a lot of energy, it just fits.

Holly Joy

On the topic of messages, what is the most important message that you want to get the word out and share with people?


Really, that where you are right now I believe, if we were all living according to the law of giving and receiving, there are people right now that you could help because you have been somewhere and you have gone through something and now you are somewhere else. Your ideal clients are just two steps behind you and all they need is for you to turn around and bring them from where they are to where you are. At the same time you have something to receive from others. If we were all in that cycle of giving and receiving we would all have a lot more of what we need. You have something right now, you have these gifts and there are people out there waiting for those gifts.

Holly Joy

Thank you. Before we go, are there any closing thoughts and how can people reach you?

Michelle Barr

Really, I’ve loved talking about this with you especially with your audience because it is people with spiritual gifts that are being called. There are helpers, healers, light-workers and as spiritual teachers who are emerging and it is time for that. People can reach me at MichelleBarr.com and at IntuitiveWomenEntrepreneurs.com and I am so happy to be a resource for you. I have all kinds of free resources and I actually engage and interact with my community. I am on Facebook everyday providing information and education and inspiration and motivation. I actually will answer your questions and talk with you and I have all kinds of resources. Just connect and don’t get caught up with how you are going to make it happen. Just come in to the community and start getting the support and guidance and then you will see a way.

 Holly Joy

That is great, thank you so much. I just want to mention people in chat have been saying, fantastic show and great information. It has really been an enlightening hour with you. I just want to thank you so much for being here tonight and sharing this information.

Michelle Barr

Thank you so much Holly for having me and “Hello” to your community and I look forward to connecting with you.