I myself have experienced many dreams & co-created visitations that held powerful messages and information pertaining to my own life & future as talked about in Dreams Do come True. So I believe that if you feel their is more to a dream, then there is. It may not always be divine intervention or supernatural communication but it could be pointing out something that is being ignored that the soul wants brought into awareness. Because of this, sometimes the dream is worth looking into and having interpreted.
When To Have Dreams Analyzed:
- You vividly remember it & it’s bugging you
- Feeling there is a message but are unsure what it is
- The dream theme or appearance of an object/animal is recurring
- It had people/pets that have passed away
- You woke-up with unusual symptoms, like coldness or tingling
I would like to share is the idea of co-created dreams,
we’re one leaves their body to have an experience with another positive entity
of their free will. Starting at age five I started co-creating experiences via
astral travel in the dream state to meet with one blonde woman, when we meet
their is always the same animal present in the dream, a tiger. I wanted to
share this so that people that have occurring dreams with an animal or other
same object present in the background can appreciate that their dreams may
have more to offer, like a message.