Grief from losing a loved one or pet can be a very powerful and long lasting emotion, were all that you really long for is validation that your someone special is safe and at peace or to ask them for guidance. But, how do you know if or when you should seek out a Psychic Medium?

 Considerations Before Seeking a Psychic Medium

  • How long ago the person passed away? – If they passed away within the month, and especially tragically it could be too soon.
  • If you feel they would be willing to connect with you though a Medium? – If the person you wish to connect with did not belief in Psychics or Mediums, or if they had negative feelings towards those who do this work in life, then they may be hesitant to participate in a reading.
  • Also, if they have made any attempts in contacting you directly; such as in dreams or with other familiar signs. This could be an indication that they are trying to get a message to you and would be willing to work though a third party.
  • And most importantly if you feel emotionally open and ready to take this step.

Some people harbor fears when it comes to this type of work, so it is important to know that before a reading your Psychic Medium most likely has protected themselves and the space before you enter and will only allow the most holy and pure beings of light to work though them.

If you decide to consult with a Psychic Medium, it is important that the reader you choose resonates with you, as all Psychic Mediums have their own style. You should also know if you have a preference of phone readings versus face to face and if your reader provides a recording.

You will also want to know ahead of time what questions you have for the deceased, and if comfortable to notify them silently that you will be trying to contact them, when and what questions you have.

For most Psychic Mediums it is ideal to see a photo of the deceased person before the reading, to get a feel of their energy and any initial impressions that could be useful during your session.

At your reading most Mediums may ask you to validate something early on, but other then this initial information to confirm the connection it is best to wait until the reader is finished to discuss what was brought up. Less distraction will allow the Medium to hold their connection longer.

The intention for any psychic work is always for the highest good of all involved and to provide not only validation, but healing as well.