Although more and more people are resonating with the belief that we all have a life plan and that when our loved ones pass away they are not really gone, grief is still an experience that everyone goes though in their lifetime and no matter how strong your faith is you can still be impacted in ways you never imagined.
Dealing with grief to some extent can be a personal choice because we all handle grief in different ways – like my mother that went mute and completely checked out of life until she could recover, many people around her were getting sick of dealing with her behavior but I understood why this life adjustment was so difficult.
There are methods that work for some and others may need many methods, and much help. These emotions can feel so strong, like they will never end, never be done and make someone feel as though they want to leave earth themselves. Grief does not completely go away, but the pain will ease more and more as each day passes. The key is to have a support group of family and friends, and also to have a trusted spiritual leader that can help make sense of life and death.
There is no correct way for a person to grieve because different beliefs require different methods, were some people might seek out Amarres de Amoror binding love spells, others might seek spiritual or psychic healing, or start going to a local church for the first time. No matter your preference there are healthy ways to cope with some of the pain and by seeking what suits the bereaved most people do eventually feel renewed and are able to move on.
For people who are members of a church or religious group, this group and place of worship can help you to understand your grief and raise your vibration simply by being there and believing in the benefits. Grief is a natural process that most people go through and if you have support around you most people can relate and will understand. There is no specified amount of time that a person is allowed to grieve for but each person will heal in their own time.
For church members, the religious mourning rituals that are participated in can provide comfort to many. Solace can be found in prayer, meditation, religious services, or counseling with the minister.
At the beginning of the grieving process, most people will question their belief in God, this is normal so you should not add guilt to your grief by allowing yourself to let those moments out and work through them. Prayer and having faith can help get you through the recent passing and will give you the help and support that you need to get through these hard times. Death can be viewed as a time to embrace or explore your faith and willingness to trust that the support you are given will help you through this milestone in your life.
If attending religious services is a normal part of your life routine already, then it is beneficial to continue with the religious services and classes, and to stay in touch with the family you have through the spiritual offerings around you. If I could have made my mom do one thing during her time of grieving it would have been to send her to church as much as possible, even though her Church was never right for me I know that the congregation could have helped her touch base with reality and progressed her recovery.
No matter what your belief systems are the power of prayer is a powerful tool that helps people feel some comfort from their God. Experiencing grief can also give a sense of hope, feelings of thankfulness for what they have and other long-term positive attitudes. This is why I feel that allowing yourself to feel the depths of the human pain and sorrow when you have lost a loved one is important for the healing process, although death is most often viewed as a negative life experience there is always a positive spiritual one.
A minister or spiritual leader can always sit with and talk with you. When your faith seems to waiver, these people can help you understand were your beliefs resonate after experiencing the death of a loved one.
It is most important to have a support system or a support group to talk to when you are feeling these dark times. Allow others to assist you as needed and continue to pray for the guidance and support you need. Prayers to understand the loss, the emptiness and the pain to help to find the answers. Even if you are questioning your faith your prayers will still be heard and answered.
Composed by Psychic Medium Holly Joy
I’m sorry for your loss Holly Joy but thank you for shoring your experience. Something similar happened to me after my mom passed away.