
Psychic Abilities | What Do We Know About Them?

We are all familiar with abilities of Indian yogis. Some of them can spend all day laying on nails, others can hold their breath to a point that they seem to be dead, only to wake up hours after, when they have decided to return to this world. Some of them are even...

Awakening & Understanding Your Psychic Gifts

Across The Realms Psychic Home Study Course Two: Awakening and Understanding Your Psychic Gifts   Allows the reader to explore the collective consciousness around us to delve into the psychic forces. The importance of embracing intuition and identifying few...

Develop Psychic Abilities – Discerning Energy

Develop Psychic Abilities Exercise Discerning Relationship Energy One of the first things you want to learn to interpret when you want to develop psychic abilities is how to discern the relationship of a person coming up connected to your client or spirit stepping...