We are all born with senses. It is through these senses that we learn as we grow, it is through these senses that we develop our taste, unleash power urge to touch, communicate and comprehend, and view the world. We are all also born with a six sense though are third...
Whether you’re aware of this fact or not, you consciously decide each day how to live your life. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut of negativity, eradicating those negative vibes you feel is simpler than you may have been led to believe and will help you in...
Much like a snowflake, no two psychic readings or psychic readers are alike. Each reading and reader will take on his or her own distinct style and pattern. There are several different variables that can lead to positive psychic readings. Sometimes, the chemistry...
Since I was a child I had an affinity for reading, words, letters. I would close my eyes and easily see worlds painted before me. Worlds I could visit through books; pictures so vivid it is sometimes hard even today to determine if I am thinking of a scene from...
So the first thing that someone might ask when he or she heard the term, the five clairs, is, “What is a Clair?” Clairvoyance, Clairs or clear vision, is the ability to see things that you would not normally be able to see with your eyes, mainly, things, which are not...