
Is Working As An Independent Psychic Your Calling?

Several qualities that make a person right as an independent psychic. These are the most important that make you stand out from the rest.   You Have Psychic Abilities You were either born with the ability to listen to a person and discern their innermost desires...

Starter Guide For Giving Free & Paid Tarot Card Readings Online

Considering your hand at free or paid tarot card readings online…   Be rest assured, it’s quite easy! Basic Starter Items You Will Need (besides a tarot deck) Are: A computer with internet Optionally a webcam and/or microphone for live tarot card readings...

Inner Psychic Hearing | Develop Clairaudience

Clairaudience is among the four leading types of abilities that are intuitive. Now we’re going to speak about what it is and some simple ways to develop it. About Clairaudience Clairaudience is understood to be clear hearing. It is one of the four important ways...

Guide To Honoring Freewill As A Lightworker

Most people are aware that they have freewill or the ability to discern the choices made in life but don’t often think of what it means to honor another persons or clients freewill. In the past I have encountered external situations that appeared to be negative...

How Fluoride Effects Psychic Ability I Pineal Gland I 3rd Eye

Have you ever closed your eyes when you were imagining a scenario, were you able to visualize the imagined scenario while your eyes were closed? I am guessing your answers to the above questions are yes so, how were you able to see a picture of the imagined scenario...