Dear Holly Joy, As a psychic I wonder if you have more paranormal experiences because your more tuned-in and open to them or if you think you have less because it’s just a part of your everyday life. Question: Is Paranormal Activity Apart Of Your Everyday Life? ...
These 14 Signs Are A Few Examples Of Signals Sent Out By Your Animal Spirit Guides You may identify with several animals which you feel connected to and if some of these sound familiar to you, look them up to see what they may want to help you with, or in your...
10 Hints Of Spirit Communication & Contact Perhaps you have felt as if relatives or your dead loved ones are attempting to make contact in the other side with you? Encounters like these can mean that you will be receiving signals in the spirit world. Light...
Michelle Asked Holly Joy… I just experienced my tv coming on and off by itself and strange noises right after watching a paranormal TV show. Is my house haunted with bad spirits or is this just my Grandmother and dog in spirit trying to tell me to stop...
The practice of communicating thoughts and ideas through means that do not involve the use of the traditional human sense, otherwise known as telepathy, is on the rise as more and more people come to realize that it is a real form of communication. In fact, Sydney...